Preparing for Your ADOS 2 Assessment
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – Second Edition (ADOS 2) is a semi-structured standardised assessment. This means that there are set activities, interactions, and questions that the assessor will follow and observe your responses. They will be observing your communication, social interaction, play / imaginative use of materials and restricted and repetitive behaviours.
It is not a test with ‘right or wrong’ answers, you will not feel under pressure.
Some of the activities include creating stories from objects and discussing a book.
The ADOS 2 session will last between 40 minutes and 1 hour.

Online Appointments
If you have chosen to complete your session online, you will need to gather 5 some small objects to complete one of the tasks. Please ensure you have these ready before you start your session. They can be any small object, such as :
- Spoon
- Peg
- Balloon
- Pencil
- Hair bobble
- Feather
- Shoelace
- Bottle top
- 50 pence coin
- Elastic band
- Comb

The assessment cannot be undertaken on a smart phone, but a desktop, laptop or tablet will be fine. Please check the position of your camera before the assessment, we will need to see your face and arms on screen as below

Feedback After the Session
The clinician will not be able to give you an outcome after the session. They will need to score the assessment items and put the items into an algorithm to be able to decide the outcome of the ADOS 2 part of the overall assessment.
They will write a comprehensive report which will form part of the overall report you will receive at the end of the assessment process.